28 January, 2011
Spectral Display - It Takes A Muscle.
Mmmmmm...uncluttered pop.
Who needs a band when you've got 4 FM synthesizers and a sliver sports coat. These guys are from Holland.... isn't that weird?
Here's the mp3 Spectral Display - It Takes A Muscle.
27 January, 2011
26 January, 2011
25 January, 2011
19 January, 2011
17 January, 2011
Erik Omen In Atlantis - Cassette (Siberia Records)
Limited edition 50 copy cassette
16 January, 2011
14 January, 2011
Aleke Kanonu - N'Gwode
Taken from the extremely rare and equally fantastic LP 'Aleke', 1980, this is Afrobeat at it's finest. The creator, Aleke Kanonu, is an unknown Nigerian singer / musician, although appeared on Stanley Cowell's album ‘Regeneration’, Strata-East, 1976. Enjoy.
12 January, 2011
11 January, 2011
10 January, 2011
09 January, 2011
The sum of human epistemology ...

… can be reduced to this sentence without causing reductive damage to the epistemological efforts therein:
Bullshit vs. Bullshit Detector.
In terms of social epistemology … A common-sense extension of this sentence is to enjoy the company of those (a) that call one's own bullshit and in turn (b) enjoy getting their own bullshit getting called too. Its "arguable" that the core of philosophy takes place at this point (haha re the arguable nature of this position).
But just beware of Thrasymachus types:
"Several times in the course of discussion Thrasymachus had made an attempt to get the argument into his own hands, and had been put down by the rest of the company , who wanted to hear the end. But when Polemarchus and I had done speaking there was a pause and Thrasymachus could no longer hold the peace; gathering himself up, he came like a wild beast seeking to devour us.
He roared out to the whole company: What folly Socrates! What has taken possession of you all? And why this absurd politeness and deference to one another?
S: If we were looking for a piece of gold you would not imagine that we were 'deferring to one another', and lose our chance of finding it like that would you? So why, when we are looking for justice, a thing more precious than gold, do you say that we are weakly yielding to one another and not doing our utmost to get at the truth of it? Believe me, my good pal, we totally want to, but the fact is, we can't. Perhaps we deserve your pity more than your bullshit?"
~ (Plato, Republic, 336b)
If friendship between 'enemies' were more common, perhaps, as freddy neats would say, the earth could yet become 'a hotbed of learning'...
(and a note re: Republic passage: The most critical point where 'Socrates got real' above is where he tacitly places justice higher than gold. Keep in mind that the peeps he was speaking in the company of were basically the richest dudes in Athens.)
Aphorism of the day:
There are those that try to win arguments and there are those that try to win. They are never the same person.
~ N.N. Taleb, The Bed of Procrustes
Poetry exrt of the day:
Something which never rests will not endure.
Rest repairs the limbs and renews strength.
If the bow is never relaxed it will lose
the tension that makes it a bow; you
would do well to imitate the weapons of
Diana while you follow her lead.
~ Ovid, Heroides, 'Phaedra to Hippolytus'
And a note from the little cauldron:
Quests for meaning (in semantics; in literature; 'why did he play that song?'; otherwise) have become even more passe than those that toute 'meaninglessness'.
Easter-egg (If you ain't one, read with your actuary buddies, but philosophy is strictly BYO)