Don't look down - Kanye West (feat. Mos Def, Lupe Fiasco and Big Sean)
~ From the brilliant "Good Twisted Fantasy" mixtape .. which isn't here .. Have fun trying to open the secret files .. haha .. But seriously .. try ..
Eagles play sport too. But I reckon they do look down (haha).
From the Daily Mail. (I recommend reading the whole article .. like most beautiful things, the devil is in the detail(s)
This National Geographic viddy can't be watched in Australia due to copyright licensing stuff, but Aussies can enjoy the cheesy but tasty PBS video. The champagne of Eagle watching is BBC though. You should probably buy that one.
I wonder if there are any eagles that are indigenous to Australia ? Where is a bloody orthinologist when you need one !? haha .. I also wonder if some gangsta ass eagles have just free flown here, accidentally, teaching themselves how to live off the high seas on their way … Has such a bird ever existed ? That would be one cool bird. (And I wonder what type of pseudo 'orthinologist' could answer that question haha)
But hey~ listen carefully to that song. Its really good.
(p.s.. I'd love to get a hi res file of that track and listen to a longer dirtier version of it .. a bit more 'meditative', in the style of theo parrish for example .. let the crest of the loop rise and swell a bit longer .. try out a subtle and foul bassy undercurrent .. after some well placed silence(s), give the string arrangements a bit more presence perhaps .. chuck in a rick ross sample ..? maybe a bit of ennio morricone .. full of flavour but not too cluttered .. like a 36minute version ? well, "wish I had a guitar" as they say haha)
Off to the pool ;-)
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