19 October, 2010

Now Panic and Freak Out...

...is the name of a really good book filled with "bad advice for good people". apart from a really pretty design that will impress your peers (haha) the book has pearlers such as these:

"Love looks forward, hate looks back, anxiety has eyes all over its head" - Mignon McLaughlin

"I don't want to retire. I'm not good at crossword puzzles" - Norman Mailer

"I think that was a moment of cool panic there" - Ron Atkinson

Here is a some nice Panic Music to listen to as you madly run to amazon (or Berkelow paddo)

It comes from Jamie (from the XX) who did a mix for Colette last May. Full mix here. Its a pretty nice mix. Its dark. Got some surprises in there too. That work well.

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